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updated: 22.02.2013
GAGić Serdar, Renata

- So far as the author and coauthor, the
candidate participated in the publication and presentation of numerous
scientific papers. Articles were positively evaluated, published in
scientific journals and presented at national and international
scientific conferences. Some project relevant bibliography:
- Gagić R. , Glavendekić M. & Mihajlović Lj. (2008) Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), indigobush seed parasite (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and its natural enemies in Serbia, ACTA HERBOLOGICA, Vol. 17, No. 2,. pp. 195-201, http://scindeks.ceon.rs/article.aspx?artid=0354-43110802195G
- Gagić R. & Mihajlović Lj. (2009) " Entomofauna of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Serbia", VI Congress of Plant Protection with the International symposium on biological control of invasive organisms, Zlatibor, od 23 -27th November 2009, Serbia , 102-103, URL: www.bms.ns.ac.rs/bmseng101.htm
- Renata Gagić Serdar, Ljubodrag Mihajlović2, Katarina Mladenović, Svetlana Bilibajkić, Establishment of Hymenopterous entomofauna on Indigo bush Amorpha fruticosa L. in republic of Serbia International Scientific Conference Forests in the future-sustainable use, risks and challenges, 4-5th October, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, Conference Proceedings in print.
- Radovan Nevenic, Ljubinko Rakonjac, Zoran Poduska and Renata Gagic „Collisions and linkages between forestry and environmental policies in South East Europe (SEE) region“
Scientific Research and Essays; Academic Journals; ISSN 1992-2248, UDK 10.5897/SRE11.671; 2011; pp 5492-5500 COBISS SR-ID:
- Renata Gagić Serdar ,Tomislav Stefanović, Svetlana Bilibajkić, Zoran Poduška, Ilija Đorđević, Ljubinko Rakonjac , Goran Češljar, Nevenić Radovan: "Rivers as dispersal corridors for primarily expansion of invasive species in Republic of Serbia"; 5th BALWOIS 2012 International Conference Prooceedings; COBISS SR-ID /URL:
- Gagić R. “Insect-pests on false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) (2009), with special emphasis on Acanthoscelides pallidipennis Motschulsky, and its natural enemy’s in Serbia The, Biological-Ecologycal and energetic characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.), Scientific Symposium with International participation, March 12th, 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
Candidate fluently speaks English and possess working knowledge of English and Russian languages
- Relevance of experience in researching and analyzing data and information about forestry, forest and non forest products, and trade in Serbia and in the UNECE region; Candidate had been qualified as a trainer with specific courses participation. Possesses Experience in organizing international meetings, workshops and seminars as a trainer together with Extent of knowledge about issues affecting forest industry, products markets and trade in the ECE region, including issues related to the sustainability of production and consumption (participation in SPI FOPER Projects, EFI Finland and Institute of forestry, Belgrade) ****
- Quality of both oral and written communication skills, with demonstrated ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and direct style. Owning demonstrated initiative and ability to deliver accurate, high quality work within tight deadlines.
- Gagić R. , Glavendekić M. & Mihajlović Lj. (2008) Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), indigobush seed parasite (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and its natural enemies in Serbia, ACTA HERBOLOGICA, Vol. 17, No. 2,. pp. 195-201, http://scindeks.ceon.rs/article.aspx?artid=0354-43110802195G
- Gagić R. & Mihajlović Lj. (2009) " Entomofauna of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Serbia", VI Congress of Plant Protection with the International symposium on biological control of invasive organisms, Zlatibor, od 23 -27th November 2009, Serbia , 102-103, URL: www.bms.ns.ac.rs/bmseng101.htm
- Renata Gagić Serdar, Ljubodrag Mihajlović2, Katarina Mladenović, Svetlana Bilibajkić, Establishment of Hymenopterous entomofauna on Indigo bush Amorpha fruticosa L. in republic of Serbia International Scientific Conference Forests in the future-sustainable use, risks and challenges, 4-5th October, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, Conference Proceedings in print.
- Radovan Nevenic, Ljubinko Rakonjac, Zoran Poduska and Renata Gagic „Collisions and linkages between forestry and environmental policies in South East Europe (SEE) region“
Scientific Research and Essays; Academic Journals; ISSN 1992-2248, UDK 10.5897/SRE11.671; 2011; pp 5492-5500 COBISS SR-ID:
- Renata Gagić Serdar ,Tomislav Stefanović, Svetlana Bilibajkić, Zoran Poduška, Ilija Đorđević, Ljubinko Rakonjac , Goran Češljar, Nevenić Radovan: "Rivers as dispersal corridors for primarily expansion of invasive species in Republic of Serbia"; 5th BALWOIS 2012 International Conference Prooceedings; COBISS SR-ID /URL:
- Gagić R. “Insect-pests on false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) (2009), with special emphasis on Acanthoscelides pallidipennis Motschulsky, and its natural enemy’s in Serbia The, Biological-Ecologycal and energetic characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.), Scientific Symposium with International participation, March 12th, 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
Candidate fluently speaks English and possess working knowledge of English and Russian languages
- Relevance of experience in researching and analyzing data and information about forestry, forest and non forest products, and trade in Serbia and in the UNECE region; Candidate had been qualified as a trainer with specific courses participation. Possesses Experience in organizing international meetings, workshops and seminars as a trainer together with Extent of knowledge about issues affecting forest industry, products markets and trade in the ECE region, including issues related to the sustainability of production and consumption (participation in SPI FOPER Projects, EFI Finland and Institute of forestry, Belgrade) ****
- Quality of both oral and written communication skills, with demonstrated ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and direct style. Owning demonstrated initiative and ability to deliver accurate, high quality work within tight deadlines.
Notes simbolised with *
* Candidates/Project participants PhD research studies topic:
Scope of PhD is new developed methodology for monitoring of invasive plants, mapping the alarming spread of these harmful organisms in forest communities and the potential application of new technologies of alien species detection. In result analysis of six-year study special emphasis is given to the advantages of biotechnological methods and potential use of biological control agents against harmful fungi, weeds and pests in forestry.
** Engagements on several Scientific research projects of the Facylty of forestry:
- Comparative review of arthropod diversity in commercial and forests under different protection regimes of Obedska bara Nature reserve protected areas (2004-2006).
- Restoration of health condition of individual trees and trees in Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard (2007)
- Restoration of greenery health condition at the cemeteries of Belgrade city (2007)
*** Participation on others relevant scientific research projects coordinated by Institute of forestry, Belgrade:
- Strategy of the Belgrade city and surrounding area afforestation (2008-2010)
Determining the success of Republic of Serbia afforestation program by National Investment Plan NIP (2008-2012)
“Global warming affected changes in forest ecosystems in Serbia" (2008-2010)
“The development of technological methods in forestry in order to attain optimal forest cover” (2010-2012)
“Sustainable use and improvement of forest ecosystems "- sub-project “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Forestry in Serbia (2010-2011)
**** Professional training and advancement on the following Course Modules:
Forest related EU policies and international agreements. Course held in Banja Luka, April 2008; Data analysis in quantitative Forest policy and Economics research. Course held in Belgrade, May 2008;
Application of SPPS statistical software for quality - to quantity data processing in research in forestry. Course held in Duress, Albania in September, 2008
Engagements as a trainer:
Extension and improwed performances in forest profesionals capacities (Capacity building) – training “HOW TO? S”, training needs assasment and course modeling. Course held, in Belgrade Serbia, November 2008
Adjustment of the Republic of Serbia forestry and environmental protection Legislative within the EU policies. Course held in Belgrade, April 2009;

© 2009. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of
Zoology, Coleoptera Collection
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