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(Apionidae, Curculionidae)
Leguminous host plants of seed predator weevil species in Hungary
last updated: 8.XII.2009

Reference of website
Podlussány, A., Jermy, T. and Szentesi, Á. (2001): On the leguminous host plants of seed predator weevils (Coleoptera: Apionidae, Curculionidae) in Hungary. – Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 47 (4): pp. 285-299. pdf


Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1431 Budapest, P.O.Box 137, Hungary Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-l525 Budapest, P.O.Box 102, Hungary,  Loránd Eötvös University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Systematic Zoology & Ecology, H-1518 Budapest, Hungary, P.O.Box 120, 

Fruit bearing shoots of 139 leguminous species (cca 86% of known species of Leguminosae in Hungary) were collected at 148 sites all over the country since 1978. Only 54 species (38.8%) were found to host altogether 43 weevil species. The rearing method largely reduced the prob-ability of getting adult weevils that may have used a plant only as an adult food source or only as refuge. This strongly increased the reliability of the host plant data obtained. The host plant range showed great differences within and between weevil genera. From the 54 plant species found as hosts, 29 and 11 (altogether 74.1 %) harboured only one and two weevil species, re-spectively. The resource exploitation rate turned out very low at the plant species level.
Key words: Apionini, Tychiini, Leguminosae, specialisation, resource use


In the course of research programmes aiming to reveal the seed predator in-sects associated especially with wild leguminous species of the Hungarian flora, species of Apionidae and Curculionidae were reared from fruits collected all over the country. This enabled us to get reliable data on the host plant affiliations of weevils. As COLONNELLI and OSELLA (1998) pointed out, the literature contains data on genuine host species on which larval development takes place as well as data on refuge plants which are used only as food, as shelter, and for transport by the adults. Consequently, the reliability of earlier host plant data is often question-able. A further factor of uncertainty is the frequent change in the taxonomy of wee-vil species. Therefore, below we refer only to recent literature data that support our findings. We deliberately do not mention reports on host plants that differ from ours, because we do not want to repeat possibly dubious data already published.
I    n the following we discuss the main characteristics of the host plant ranges comparing the data within and between weevil genera taking into consideration also the higher taxa (tribes) of the family of Leguminosae.


Short shoots bearing ripe or almost ripe pods or flower heads, in a few instances only pods, were collected throughout Hungary since 1978. Sampling was focused mostly on wild legume species of natural or semi-natural habitats. Cultivated legume species were sampled only occasionally. The samples were put separately in paper bags and were transferred in the laboratory into glass jars covered with linen. The repeated handling of the plant material before placing it into the jars largely reduced, though did not exclude totally, the possibility that adults using the plants only as food or ref-uge remained in the sample. Furthermore, this rearing method did not prevent us obtaining adults that developed as larvae in the short shoots of the samples. The larvae of most species pupated and devel-oped to adults in the collected plant material. Those that emerged as fully grown larvae were put into separate glass jars with steamed soil for pupation. Unfortunately, the mortality of these larvae was high. All emerging adults were collected and preserved for identification. The jars were kept at room temperature until autumn, afterwards they were transferred to an open air insectary for over-wintering. The jars were repeatedly checked for emerging insects for at least one year.
    The taxonomy of the weevil species dealt with below is based primarily on the works of CALDARA (1990), DIECKMANN (1977,1988), EHRET (1990), ENDRODI (1971), and GYORFFY (1956). We use the names of the plant tribes according to the publications of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew (POLHILL & RAVEN 1981), while the plant species names correspond to those in the work by TUTIN et al. (1978) with the exception of Vicia angustifolia that is regarded below as a separate spe-cies while according to TUTIN et al. it is only a subspecies of Vicia sativa.


The biology of several weevil species, especially those developing in wild plants, is still very poorly known. Most literature sources are restricted to data on the collection of adults on certain plant species without rearing them from the plants, so the biology of the larvae remained unknown. As our rearing method did not exclude totally to get also adults that may have developed as larvae in the shoots or buds, in Table 1 we have marked with * those species for which seed predation can only be supposed by analogy of closely related species, though has not been proved yet.
    The biology of the larvae of Exapion corniculatum was unknown earlier (DIECKMANN 1977). PODLUSSANY (1981) found, however, that the larva devel-oped to adult within a single seed of Lembotropis nigricans. All Tychius spp. are most likely seed predators as, according to CALDARA (1990), no other types of lar-val feeding has been observed in this genus so far.
    We collected samples at 148 sites (Table 2) from 139 species and subspecies of Leguminosae equalling roughly 86% of all known legume taxa of the Hungarian flora. Interestingly, only 54 species (38.8% of all sampled species) (Table 3) turned out to harbour weevils representing 43 species (Table 1). The host plant af-filiation of weevil species found can be characterised as follows.

Monophagy or at least a very narrow specialisation has been found with the following species (considering only cases when at least 4 plant samples from at least 3 locations were collected): Exapion difficile on Genista tinctoria (9 samples from 8 locations), E. fuscirostre on Cytisus scoparius (8 samples from 7 locations), Oxystoma craccae on Vicia hirsuta (7 samples from 6 locations), Tychius schnei-den on Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. polyphylla (9 samples from 7 locations), T. squamulatus on Lotus corniculatus (12 samples from 11 locations). According to DIECKMANN (1977) Protapion gracilipes is monophagous on Trifolium medium. This has been supported strongly by our data (11 samples from 11 locations).
It is important to note that all Exapion spp. were reared exclusively from gen-era belonging to one plant tribe: Genisteae (altogether 56 samples from 28 loca-tions).
    The species of Protapion are strongly specialised to Trifolium spp. Namely, 8 from the 10 species emerged exclusively from Trifolium spp. (56 samples from 34 locations). The exceptions are as follows: P. ononidis occurred on Ononis spp. (15 samples from 15 locations); P. apricans occurred, as well as on Trifolium spp. (14 samples from 12 locations), also on Ononis spinosa and Vicia tetrasperma (1 sample each). That means that Protapion spp. use mostly plant species of the tribe Trifolieae.
    A less narrow specialisation prevails in the genus Oxystoma, though Vicia spp. occur most often among the host plants followed by Lathyrus spp. In detail, O. cerdo, O. craccae (not found in Vicia craccal), O. dimidiatum, O. ochropus, and O. pomonae occurred only in Vicia spp. (71 samples from 23 locations). O. subu-latum occurred, as well as on Lathyrus pratensis (25 samples from 21 locations), also on Lotus corniculatus and on Astragalus glycyphyllos (1 sample each). Thus, Oxystoma species were associated mostly with species of Vicieae, but sporadically also with species of Galegeae and Loteae.
    A relatively broad host plant range (5 genera of 3 tribes) characterised Ischnopterapion loti, although it was mostly found in Lotus spp. (59 samples from 37 locations) while it was present in only one sample each of Dorycnium penta-phyllum, Lathyrus pratensis, Medicagofalcata and in two samples of V. tetrasperma.
    The species of Tychius showed a most variable host affiliation. Unfortu-nately, most species were found only in a few samples, therefore in most cases fur-ther investigation is necessary to get a better picture of host affiliation in this genus. Taking into consideration only species that were reared from at least 4 sam-ples from at least 3 locations, there seems a decisive specialisation in T. picirostris to Trifolium spp. (6 samples from 5 locations) while Medicago falcata is represented only by one sample and, as mentioned before, in T. schneideri to Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. polyphylla (9 samples from 7 locations). On the other hand, several species use plant species of quite far related plant genera such as T. flavus (3 genera of 2 tribes) and T quinquepunctatus (4 genera of 2 tribes).
    In conclusion, the host plant specialisation of the seed predator weevil spe-cies shows a very variable picture from possible monophagy or at least ecological monophagy (FOX & MORROW 1981) to narrow oligophagy and to a broader host range such as in Ischnopterapion loti: species of 5 plant genera belonging to 3 tribes.
    Besides the host plant species listed in Table 1 we have reared the following weevil species from plant species that seem "unusual" as they contradict both the majority of our rearing data and the available literature data. They need further in-vestigation the more so as we have reared only one adult of each species from these plants: Oxystoma cerdo from Chamaecytisus supinus, Protapion ruficrus from Tri-folium ochroleucon and Tychius quinquepunctatus from Astragalus glycyphyllos.
    As for the number of curculionid species per plant species (Table 3), it is re-markable that among the 54 plant species found as hosts, 29 and 11 species (i.e., 53.7 + 20.4 = 74.1%) were infested only by one and two weevil species, respec-tively, while the maximum of 6 species occurred only in Lotus corniculatus. Fur-thermore, in about two-third of the host plant species, weevils emerged from less than half of all samples collected. Considering also the fact that seed predator wee-vils occurred only in 38.8% of the sampled leguminous species, it can be con-cluded that the rate of resource exploitation by these insects is quite low at the plant species level.


Acknowledgements - This work was supported by the Bakony Program of the Hungarian Nat-ural History Museum and by the National Scientific Research Fund (OTKA T1436 and Tl 3300). The authors are deeply thankful to Prof. A. HORANSZKY (Budapest) for checking the identification of the plant species and to Dr D. REAVEY (Chichester, UK) for improving the English of the text.


CALDARA, R. (1990) Revisione tassonomica delle specie paleartiche del genere Tychius Germar (Coleóptera Curculionidae). Mem. Soc. Ital. Sei. Nat. Museo Civ. Storia Nat. Milano 25(3): 51-21-8.

COLONNELLI, E. & OSELLA, G. (1998) Host and refuge plants of weevils (Coleóptera: Curculio-nidea). Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Curculionoidea. XX. C. I. E. (1996, Firenze, It-aly). Mus. reg. Sei. nat. Torino 1998: 191-216.

DIECKMANN, L. (1977) Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Coleóptera Curculionidae (Apioni-nae). Beitr. Entomol. 27: 7-143.

DIECKMANN, L. (1988) Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Curculionidae, (Curculioninae: Elles-cini, Acalyptrini, Tychiini, Anthonomiini, Curculionini). Beitr. Entomol. 35: 356-468.

EHRET, J.-M. (1990) Les Apions de France: clés d'identification commentées (Coleóptera Curculio-nidae Apioninae). Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 59: 209-292.

ENDRŐDI, S. (1971) Curculionidae - Ormányosbogarak V. Fauna Hung. Akadémiai Kiadó, Buda-pest, 10(8): 1-167.

FOX, L. R. & MORROW, P. A. (1981) Specialization: species property or local phenomenon? Science 211: 887-893.

GYŐRFFY, J. (1956) Apionidae - Cickányormányosok. Fauna Hung. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 10(3): 1-56.

JERMY, T. & BALÁZS, K. (eds) (1990) A növényvédelmi állattan kézikönyve. 3. [Handbook of Agri-cultural Entomology, Vol. 3.] Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 473 pp.

PODLUSSÁNY, A. (1981) Exapion fajok előfordulása a Bakony hegységben (Col., Apionidae III.) (Vorkommen von Exapion Arten im Bakony Gebirge). Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közle-ményei 16: 129-136.

POLHILL, R. M. & RAVEN, P. H. (eds) (1981): Advances in legume systematics. Royal Botanic Gar-dens, Kew, England, XVI + 1049 pp.

TUTIN, T. G., HEYWOOD, V. H., BÜRGÉS, N. A., MOORE, D. M., VALENTINE, D. H., WALTERS, S. M. & WEBB, D. A. (eds) (1978) Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae. Cambridge Univ. Press, XXVII + 455 pp.

WlECH, K. & WUNK, A. (1985) O szkodliwosci ryjkowców Apion flavipes (Payk.) i Miccotrogus picirostris (F.) na krajowich odmianach koniczyny bialej. Acta Agraria et Silvestria, Agraria, Kraków 24: 219-225.


family: Apionidae 

genus: Cyanapion Bokor, 1923
subgenus: Bothryorrhynchapion Bokor, 1923

Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Lathyrus tuberosus

Cyanapion (Bothryorrhynchapion) platalea (Germar, 1817) 
genus: Eutrichapion Reitter, 1916
subgenus: Cnemapion Bokor, 1923

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Galega officinalis
Eutrichapion (Cnemapion) gribodoi (Desbrochers, 1896) 
subgenus: Psilocalymma Alonso-Zarazaga, 1990
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia angustifolia
Eutrichapion (Psilocalymma) punctigerum (Paykull, 1792) 
genus: Exapion Bedel, 1887

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)
Genista pilosa
Exapion compactum (Desbrochers, 1888)

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Chamaecytisus austriacus
Chamaecytisus supinus
Genista tinctoria
Lembotropis nigricans

Exapion corniculatum (Germar, 1817)
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Genista tinctoria
Exapion difficile (Herbst, 1797) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Chamaecytisus austriacus
Chamaecytisus supinus

Genista tinctoria

Exapion elongatulum (Desbrochers, 1891) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Chamaecytisus supinus
Genista tinctoria

Exapion formaneki (Wagner, 1929) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Cytisus scoparius
Exapion fuscirostre (Fabricius, 1775) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Glycyrrhiza echinata L.
genus: Holotrichapion Györffy, 1956
Holotrichapion Györffy, 1956

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Ononis hircina
Ononis spinbosa
Holotrichapion (Holotrichapion)ononis (Kirby,1808) 
genus: Ischnopterapion Bokor, 1923
subgenus: Ischnopterapion Bokor, 1923

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Ischnopterapion (Ischnopterapion) aeneomicans  (Wencker, 1864) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Lathyrus pratensis
Lotus corniculatus
Lotus tenuis
Medicago falcata
Vicia tetrasperma

Ischnopterapion (Ischnopterapion) loti
(Kirby, 1808) 
genus: Mesotrichapion Györffy, 1956
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Astragalus asper
Astragalus onobrychis

Mesotrichapion punctirostre (Gyllenhal, 1839) 
genus: Oxystoma Duméril, 1805
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia angustifolia
Vicia cracca
Vicia tenuifolia
Vicia villosa

Oxystoma cerdo (Gerstäcker, 1854) 
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia hirsuta
Oxystoma craccae (Linnaeus, 1767)  
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia villosa
 Oxystoma dimidiatum (Desbrochers, 1897) 

Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia grandiflora
Vicia sepium
Vicia sparsiflora
Vicia tenuifolia

Oxystoma ochropus (Germar, 1818) 
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Vicia angustifolia
Vicia sativa

Oxystoma pomonae (Fabricius, 1798) 
Host plant in Hungary
Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Astragalus glycyphyllos
Lathyrus pratensis

Lotus corniculatus

Oxystoma subulatum (Kirby, 1808) 
genus:  Protapion Schilsky, 1908
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Ononis spinosa
Trifolium pallidum
Trifolium pratense
Trifolium rubens
Vicia tetrasperma
Protapion apricans (Herbst, 1797) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium medium
Trifolium pratense

Protapion assimile (Kirby, 1808)

Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium angulatum
Trifolium aureum
Trifolium  hybridum
Trifolium  repens
Protapion fulvipes (Geoffroy, 1785)  

Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium medium
Protapion gracilipes (Dietrich, 1857) 

Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium aureum
Trifolium campestre
Protapion nigritarse (Kirby, 1808) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Ononis hircina
Ononis spinosa
Protapion ononidis (Gyllenhal, 1827) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium alpestre
Protapion ruficrus (Germar, 1817) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium striatum
Protapion schoenherri (Boheman, 1839) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium alpestre
Trifolium fragiferum
Trifolium medium
Trifolium ochroleucon
Trifolium pannonicum
Trifolium pratense
Protapion trifolii (Linnaeus, 1768) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium pratense
Protapion varipes (Germar, 1817) 
genus: Pseudoprotapion Ehret, 1990
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Astragalus glycyphyllos
Pseudoprotapion astragali (Paykull, 1800) 


genus: Tychius Germar, 1817
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Lotus corniculatus
Tychius caldarai Dieckmann, 1986 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium  repens
Tychius cuprifer (Panzer, 1799)
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Lotus corniculatus
Medicago falcata
Tychius flavus Becker, 1864 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Medicago falcata
Medicago prostrata
Tychius junceus (Reich, 1797) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Lotus corniculatus
Tychius kulzeri Penecke, 1934 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Medicago falcata
Trifolium hybridum
Trifolium pratense
Trifolium repens
Tychius picirostris (Fabricius, 1787) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Genista tinctorica
Lathyrus latifolius
Lathyrus niger
Lathyrus nissolia
Lathyrus pannonicus
Lathyrus pratensis
Lathyrus sylvestris
Lathyrus tuberosus
Pisum sativum
Vicia cassubica
Vicia cracca
Vicia grandiflora
Vicia pannonica
Vicia sepium
Vicia tenuifolia
Vicia tetrasperma
Tychius quinquepunctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. polyphylla
Tychius schneideri (Herbst, 1795) 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Lotus corniculatus
Tychius squamulatus Gyllenhal, 1836 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Astragalus onobrychis
Tychius subsulcatus Tournier, 1873 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Trifolium striatum
Tychius tibialis Boheman, 1843 
Host plant in Hungary
(Podlussány, Jermy et Szentesi, 2001)

Astragalus cicer
Astragalus exscapus
Astragalus glycyphyllos
Tychius trivialis Boheman, 1843 

Copyright © 2009. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Coleoptera Collection
webmaster: György, Zoltán
