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updated: 02.05.2013
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Condamine, F.L., Sperling, F.A.H., Wahlberg, N., Rasplus, J.-Y. & Kergoat, G.J. 2012. What causes latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Evolutionary processes and ecological constraints on swallowtail biodiversity. Ecology Letters. accepted. IF2010=15.253
Bruchiworkers page of A. A. Legalov >>>>
Bruchiworkers page of Rafael Yus Ramos >>>>
Hungarian Natural History Museum Zoological Department Coleoptera Collection: List of Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae >>>>
Condamine, F.L., Sperling, F.A.H., Wahlberg, N., Rasplus, J.-Y. & Kergoat, G.J. 2012. What causes latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Evolutionary processes and ecological constraints on swallowtail biodiversity. Ecology Letters. accepted. IF2010=15.253
Bruchiworkers page of A. A. Legalov >>>>
Bruchiworkers page of Rafael Yus Ramos >>>>
Hungarian Natural History Museum Zoological Department Coleoptera Collection: List of Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae >>>>

Plants. The reliable identification of plant species (subspecies, varieties) is the fundamental condition for obtaining sound results. In order to diminish doubtful cases voucher specimens are available in herbaria. Data gathering is carried out by the regular collection of ripe and ripening fruits/pods of wild and grown plant species, with special regard to less known species (subspecies, varieties) and less explored areas of the Carpathian Basin.
Pre-dispersal seed predator species. In order to rear seed predators and associated zoophagous species from fruits/pods, plant samples are kept in well-ventilated, however, properly closed containers. These are checked from time to time, and all emerging insects are removed for further investigation.
Taxonomy, phylogeny. Biochemical methods will be used for species identification and for molecular phylogeny studies on plants and pre-dispersal seed predators.
Impact of pre-dispersal seed predators on seed crop. The importance of seed predators in decreasing plant fitness are assessed from the level of damage exerted on seed crop. To accomplish this, a detailed examination of fruit and seeds for the presence of seed predators is executed.
Szentesi, Á. & Jermy, T. (1995): Predispersal seed predation in leguminous species: seed morphology and bruchid distribution. Oikos, 73: 23-32.

Szentesi, Á., Jermy, T. & Takács, V. (1996): Niche relations in Vicia-inhabiting Bruchus spp. Entomol. Exp. Appl., 80: 152-155.
Szentesi Á. & Jermy T. (1998): Leguminosae-fajokon élõ magfogyasztó rovar-guildek: közösségszerkezet és kölcsönhatások. In: Fekete, G. (szerk.): A közösségi ökológia frontvonalai. Scientia, Budapest, 105-113.
Szentesi Á. 1999. Predispersal seed predation of the introduced false indigo, Amorpha fruticosa L. in Hungary. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 45, 125-141. (IF: 0,125)

Podlussány, A., Jermy, T. & Szentesi, Á. (2001): On the leguminous host plants of seed predator weevils (Coleoptera: Apionidae, Curculionidae) in Hungary. Acta Zool. Hung., 47: 285-299.

Jermy T. & Szentesi Á. (2002): A tonkini óriás-zsizsik [Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904)] felbukkanása hazánkban. Növényvédelem, 38: 346-348.
Jermy, T., Szentesi, Á. & Anton, K.-W. (2002): Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) first found in Hungary. Folia Entomol. Hung., 63: 49-51.

Jermy, T. & Szentesi, A. (2003): Evolutionary aspects of host plant specialisation -- a study on bruchids (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Oikos, 101: 196-204.

György, Z. & Merkl, O. (2005): Seed beetles preserved in the Savaria Museum, Hungary, with a National Checklist of the family (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) – Praenorica Folia Historico-Naturalia 8: 65–78

Szentesi, Á., Schmera, D. & Jermy,T. (2006): Spatial and temporal organisation of the pre-dispersal seed predator guild in a perennial legume, Vicia tenuifolia. Ecol. Entomol., 31: 114-122.

György, Z (2007): To the biology of the honey locust seed beetle, Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) – Folia Entomologica Hungarica 68: 89–96.

© 2009. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of
Zoology, Coleoptera Collection
webmaster: György, Zoltán
webmaster: György, Zoltán